The price of Matrix amps

14 years 10 months ago #6908 by matrix amp
Replied by matrix amp on topic The price of Matrix amps
I will have to go there one day.

uk made

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14 years 10 months ago #6916 by satassfaction
Replied by satassfaction on topic The price of Matrix amps
The location a product is made has absolutely no relevance to the actual product. A products quality is determined by its original design, the components used in its manufacture, and a boss that makes sure the workers put what ever it is you’re making together properly.
It could say made on the moon, it doesn’t matter as long as what your making is quality!
I too would like to visit Asia. But with a view to manufacturing, it’s something I’m working towards and would like to be in a position to do so in ten years time, but have heaps to do before that can happen. It ties in with other projects in my life. Such as when I publish the books I'm working on, I do not intend to be in this oppressive land, but a land in Asia manufacturing what I love, in a country that has no diplomatic ties with Britain. So I can remain their unharmed while my books do their thing back here. (my books have naff all to do with audio)
Asia is the place to manufacture speakers and amplifiers very cheaply and then ship them back to the west.
I’m planning to go to Bangkok (for the fist time, sometime in Jan/Feb) purely for a holiday.
I really don’t know why most British people go on holiday during summer when it’s so nice here. Winter does my friggin’ head in. This time of the year SUCKS!!!
I can’t wait to be somewhere warm and nice knowing back in the UK it’s like this. Just knowing that is a recipe for a good holiday.

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14 years 10 months ago #6923 by nickyburnell
Replied by nickyburnell on topic The price of Matrix amps
I agree, the location doesn't have to affect quality. However selling it as British is wrong.
As to our oppressed land, oh yes, getting worse by the day, time to go or revolt.

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14 years 10 months ago #6924 by tony.a.s.s.
Replied by tony.a.s.s. on topic The price of Matrix amps
Regarding any business making speakers and associated products, I am reminded of a great one liner. How do you make a small fortune in the music business. Start with a large one.

Peace and goodwill to all speaker builders

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14 years 10 months ago #6935 by satassfaction
Replied by satassfaction on topic The price of Matrix amps
Tony's one liners rock! smiley20
You are right. However on a spiritual level, if something's meant to happen the opportunities to work towards those dreams and make them realities will be presenting themselves. And for me they are. If they’re not meant to happen the spiritual fabric behind life will be silent. In other words synchronistic occurrences that indicate openings, opportunities and ways forwards, will not be manifesting, as the direction / desire is not sanctioned by the spiritual forces behind life. Spiritual forces that a vast chunk of people of this world hold reverence to in many holy ways.
One good thing is that in this country and area of the world, our capital has great spending power when turned into foreign capital in South America, Africa, Asia etc.
Discussing money can be considered crass and vulgar, but not always. I am fortunately in a position to make about eighty grand a year. That’s what others would call after tax. That figure will rise, and in a few years time as I expand the way the capital is made, if it’s around 150 grand per year (after tax) I will be happy, knowing enough lolly is coming in and being saved. Work is involved in making the money and one can only do so much work, and I know the limit that I can do and still have a normal life, with the return of the said figure.
It also gives me the years I need to get the books I’m writing finished. It also means when I leave this land I can pass on my capital making procedures to one or two (at the very most) life long pals who will do the work, take their majority cut and give me a small percentage from what would be on running capital accruement procedures that I will have left set up.
It’s so I have more than one source of funds, and know if I hit hard times, (not that I would) ...but all the same, for my peace of mind, and the people depending upon me, I wish to know I can still obtain currency and not fail! You can’t let yourself down or others. That is failure! I don’t do failure.
Nicky is right our land is getting more oppressed as time passes. The people will revolt in the fullness of time; an issue I can’t touch upon here as entries on threads aren’t suitable, as they are limited.
Money is a form of energy, it’s called currency as it is meant to flow and be fluid like a current. Which is all to do with the words Latin origins.
I know a great trick you can do with any note, that’s called Happy Queen, Sad Queen! You put three creases in the note, two are through each or her eyes, One crease through each eye, going the shortest length of the note. The third crease (also going the shortest length of the note) is between the middle of those two creases, at which point you squeeze the first two creases together so all three make a letter M shape. Then what happens is quite amazing, if you look at the queens head, looking up from her neck, she'll be smiling, then look at her from the crown downwards and she’ll be frowning.
I’ll take some photos next week when I get my camera out to photo a job I’ve got to do, I’ll bung the note images on the un-moderated sub forum! But you should be able to do it from my instructions.

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14 years 10 months ago #6936 by nickyburnell
Replied by nickyburnell on topic The price of Matrix amps
Just had the wife looking over my shoulder at this. Very spiritual person, studied with Shamen, she's a natural healer, and no I don't mean Reiki (I'm qualified in five mins) stuff. She's the real deal, I'm not, but believe and understand and can take part. She, and I have to agree, refutes the statment, "Money is a form of energy". No way.

As to the oppression: Well of couse we've had it good for a long time compared to others but that shouldn't cloud our judgment. A very simple farmer (simple life, not brain) commented to me this week, "Just spent two weeks driving through France & Spain, saw five or so police in all 1800 miles". "Got back to UK and felt as if I was being watched from every angle, just waiting for me to do something wrong". The revolution may not bee too far away? David Ike anybody ;)

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14 years 10 months ago #6937 by satassfaction
Replied by satassfaction on topic The price of Matrix amps
David Ike, Jim Marrs and others like them spread light into areas that many people are totally unaware of. Ike's a bit daft on some of his material, but on the whole they both mean well and have been a benefit to millions.
I believe a forum is to limited a place to discuss topics that are no laughing matter, rather multifaceted, and awfully complex, as they tie into so many other parts, all of which are valid and in no way short. And for those unaware of some of the darker issues such authors touch upon, as I would presume would will be the case with many people on this audio forum, they’d think they were hearing words of utter lunacy, and I’m not even talking about Ike’s lizard people cobblers.
But it’s good to know the resolute ship FreeSpeakerPlans sails with radical thinkers, aware all is not how much of the population believe life to be, as portrayed in the mind numbing miserable manner that's aired on the wacky-wonka-vision make-believe ga-ga goo-goo versions of reality such as Eastenders, Corrie or Baby Telly Tubby Hollyoaks.
You’re right about France, it’s a superb country, haven't been to Spain though, so I can’t comment.
I’ve had such good times with sound-systems outdoors in France and will again, as lots of pals live there that I haven't seen in over a decade. I’ll take an ASS system and show all them other crews what audio purity is all about!
I’m in the process of buying a run down pad of my mate in Northern France that’s ten miles from the nearest town and in the middle of nowhere. It has a collapsed barn, that I’ll rebuild to put the systems in. The house is derelict as well but he’s a builder and we have a crack when we’re together so it’ll be fun putting it right. That’s my first step away from this land. And by the time my ASS systems are fully functional that pad should be live in-able.
I always seem to obtain shit that’s knackered (or not far from it) and do it all up good again. One day I’d like to just buy new shit.

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14 years 10 months ago #6939 by tony.a.s.s.
Replied by tony.a.s.s. on topic The price of Matrix amps
All this in a tread titled "The price of Matrix Amps." However, very interesting as usual. Having passion about anything is a great attribute. Regarding living in this country, in spite of how things are now. We became the leading sound system makers in the World apart from the USA and Canada. There must be a reason why it only happened in England. Even Dave Martin and Bill Woodman (ATC) had to leave Perth in Australia and come here to work before anything happened for them. We led and most people followed. Unfortunately, no longer.
I've been lucky enough to travel around the world and have made many friends in the audio business. Making a short trip is one thing, but living and working away from your roots is another matter. Maybe it's relative to what you have going for you in any given Country.

Peace and goodwill to all speaker builders

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14 years 10 months ago #6940 by Tony Wilkes
Replied by Tony Wilkes on topic The price of Matrix amps
Which begs the question has the days of the cottage industry that could grow and become a market leader now gone?

Back in the 60's 70's 80's guys with a passion and a huge chunk of skill and knowledge like Tony above could form a company and then by means of word of mouth grow until they became a real player in the market. Think of all the companies in the Audio industry that started this way many of whom went on to become world renowned. Now it all just seems to be image and marketing "Oh and by the way what does it do"?

Tony J

p.s rural France for me as well. The Scarlet Pimpernel was wrong, the froggies got it right.

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14 years 10 months ago #6943 by nickyburnell
Replied by nickyburnell on topic The price of Matrix amps
Rural France is good. Don't forget their rules are there though. The Internet cut off without trial this happens there. You'll never see a modified car, not allowed....They can be pretty draconian.

Found the below from the Dalai Lama. Mind you, there are those who say he's not what he seems? Who knows? Good quote though:

We feel money and power can bring happiness and solve problems, but they are not definite causes of those desired states. If that were so, it would follow that those who have wealth would necessarily have happiness, and those who do not have wealth would always experience suffering. Money and power facilitate, but it is clear that they are not the primary causes of, happiness and solving our problems. It is justified for us to make material and financial development for building our nation and providing shelter, etc. for ourselves; we need to do that. But we also need to seek inner development. As we can see, there are many people who have wealth and power who remain unhappy, due to which their health declines, and they are always taking medicines. On the other hand, we find people who live like beggars but who always remain peaceful and happy.
Therefore, in our daily life a certain way of thinking makes us happy, and a certain way of thinking makes us unhappy. In other words, there are certain states of mind which bring us problems, and they can be removed; we need to make an effort in that direction. Likewise, there are certain states of mind that bring us peace and happiness, and we need to cultivate and enhance them.

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